Autor: FerJCano

Soy una persona que trabaja por el sentido de la vida. Me ocupo de impulsar los asuntos a mi alrededor de una manera orientada, dirigida y enfocada. Mantengo la actitud de aprender en todo lo que se me presenta y es parte de la acumulación de experiencias que me enriquecen día con día.

I still Believe that Mexico will become a leader in the auto Industry. GM has already been returning cash to shareholders. Since emerging from bankruptcy, it bought back $5.5 billion in shares from the U.S. Treasury and instituted a dividend last year. Article by: Joann Muller

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Investors have taken another step into web founding, now they have tracks and records of everything done until now. A very good article for those of us related to promotion and communication. A New Renaissance For Startup Funding | TechCrunch.

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News from Dec. 29, last year. Tesla Roadster with batteries. What’s next?

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